Welcome to Apex Sports Club
Apex Sports Club
For the love of the game
Apex is an incredibly passionate and well established sports club. We provide each member with a strong focus on quality player development and a one of a kind experience playing the sports they are passionate about. Apex gives athletes the opportunity to grow and develop their skills/knowledge of their sport from a highly experienced and trained team of staff.
With some of the best coaches in Alberta, our male and female athletes can expect to receive exceptional instruction, great travel opportunities, competitive teams for all ages and a commitment to teach our players sportsmanship, camaraderie and to further foster their passion for indoor/outdoor lacrosse, and volleyball.
Club Volleyball
Apex Volleyball Club welcomes athletes from both Edmonton and the Greater Edmonton Area. Our team of coaches are dedicated to athlete development, competing well, and having fun. Apex supports mulitisport athletes and ensures that their time spent on the volleyball court compliments all other activities. With family and school as a priority, we believe that extra curriculars such as sport help our players learn to manage their time. We will work hard at empowering and celebrating our athletes on and off the court. Ultimately our focus is for all athletes to play for the love of the game.
Lacrosse Program
Apex Lacrosse is Northern Alberta's Premier Lacrosse Club. Our Field Lacrosse travel program team is focused on player recruitment. With well over 100 Apex athletes recruited to Division 1, 2 and 3 Colleges and Universities' across North America, our coaches and directors are dedicated to a top notch program that delivers. Our Club hosts a yearly sixes league in the summer to ensure that all players have the opportunity to play field lacrosse without the travel component. Whether it is long term goals, or a little summer fun, Apex encourages all athletes to play for the love of the game.
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Apex Locker Room
Apex has signed athletes to four 16U Club Volleyball teams and one 17U team during our early signing period period. We also hosted a successful Apex Field Lacrosse Sixes league over the summer. Our 2024 season for both lacrosse and volleyball has some great opportunities in store for our athletes!